“Customer service. Customer care. Customer support. No matter what you call it, how can you transform service interactions into an opportunity for shared value creation?” – https://www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/a-com-migration/custom/_acnmedia/pdf-173/Accenture-End-to-Endless-Customer-Service.pdf
Customer Service has traditionally been siloed and focused on efficiency, prioritizing the resolution of issues and answering queries at minimal cost. As a result, it has been relegated to a maintenance function, serving as a reactive and transactional aspect of the end-to-end customer journey. This approach has typically been viewed as a necessary cost of doing business rather than a catalyst for business growth.
While many companies have invested in enhancing their digital capabilities, including AI, automation, and self-service options, their primary goal has been to deliver faster, more flexible, and less expensive service.